Wykład dr Pavla Hrabaka z Czech Academy of Sciences

Serdecznie zapraszamy członków i sympatyków koła na wykład, który poprowadzi dr Pavel Hrabak z Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czech Academy of Sciences. Wykład odbędzie się w środę 9 grudnia 2015 w godzinach od 9.35 do 11.00 w sali C2, 429, a poruszać będzie temat: Application of Markov processes in transport systems modelling.


Mass Transport Systems represent a wide class of processes characterized, as the name suggests, by the transportation of masses from one place to another. The presentation focuses mainly on such processes, which are related to traffic or pedestrian flow modelling, i.e., the transported masses are countable (vehicles, pedestrians).
So defined processes can usually be interpreted as Markov chains with finite state space. Therefore, we can use developed theory of Markov processes to calculate stationary behavior of wanted quantities, mean time to absorption, etc.
But is such approach always useful or even possible? The presentation discussed, in which cases the Markov chain approach can be used directly and when it is beneficial to use some approximation approach.

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